Duiyi Dai (Claire)

img Hi, I am a Researcher in Data Science and Informatics at the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science, University of Oxford, where I work with Dr. Charles Rahal.

I received my PhD in Economics from the University of Birmingham in 2025. I was supervised by Prof. Robert Elliott and Dr. Wanyu Chung.

My research interests are in the fields of media economics, environmental economics, macroeconomics, political economy, machine learning, and deep learning.

You can find my CV here.

Selected Works in Progress

Measuring Brexit Uncertainty: A Machine Learning and Textual Analysis Approach” (Corresponding author, with Wanyu Chung and Robert Elliott) CEPR Discussion Paper 17410; Latest Version (Here); Project Webpage (Here); Policy Brief (Here);

The effect of Brexit Uncertainty with VAR” (Corresponding author, with Christoph Görtz) This is a continuation of our prior project;

Brexit and Visual Media bias: A Computer Vision Approach” (Corresponding author, with Wanyu Chung and Robert Elliott) Working Paper;

From Floods to Votes: The Impact of Natural Disasters on Electoral Outcomes through Social Media Sentiment Analysis” (Corresponding author, with Wanyu Chung and Robert Elliott)

The Visual Narrative of Climate Change: Assessing Its Effect on Capital Market Movements


Invited Instructor, Textual Analysis and Machine Learning with Python (PhD), AIB UKI Conference
2024, Slides

Teaching Assistant, Global Economy (Undergraduates), University of Birmingham
2022, 2023, 2024

Teaching Assistant, International Trade Theory & Policy (Undergraduates), University of Birmingham

Teaching Assistant, Econometrics with Stata (Undergraduates), University of Birmingham
2021, 2022